$797.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Get 3 months of free in our Coaching Membership group.  You'll get anonymous Q&A calls, as well as live group coaching calls to choose from. (Billed at $47 per month after that; cancel anytime). 

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Intimacy With Ease DELUXE Program 3 Installments

Intimacy With Ease is an online course for couples wanting to reinvigorate their sex life and create a fulfilling experience together. Learn to navigate desire discrepancy, build positive emotions, and feel more connected than ever before.


Opt in to get free access to our Q&A sessions and live group coaching with a certified sex therapist to avoid obstacles on your journey. Perfect for couples in happy relationships seeking to enhance their intimacy. Sign up today and reignite the fire in your relationship!

Inside, you will:

  • Learn effective communication to foster greater intimacy in your relationship
  • Connect with the tools and skills needed to make sexual relationships enjoyable and satisfying for both partners
  • Discover specific practices to ease communication and create safety in sex so that you feel emotionally and physically connected to your partner
  • Understand how to approach sex so that you can never fail
  • Uncover the obstacles making it difficult to release expectations, avoid emotions, or express desires so that you feel heard and understood
  • Get the entire Entice Your Partner program free (a $497 value) to help you get your partner enthusiastically on board to improve your sex life
  • Receive 3 free months in our Coaching Membership group, giving you the guidance you need to succeed. (If you opt in on the check out form).
  • Get a 30 day money back guarantee so you can dive in risk-free


Required: Read the terms and conditions below, including the specific requirements for refund.


TERMS AND CONDITIONS for the membership group

*PLEASE NOTE: You must enter your zip code as part of your credit card details in addition to entering it as part of your address*


If you have any trouble, please email us at [email protected]

If you are alerted that your zip code is incomplete, it's because there is an additional place to enter your zip code with your credit card billing information.


What People Are Saying:

We were actually trying to find a sex therapist in town but couldn't find one that seemed like a good fit. We "compromised" by signing up for your class. We are so glad we made that call as we think we've made more progress over the past 10 weeks than we possibly could have done in any other setting.

Past Participant

Your class has been life-changing for us. We'd found your work through your podcast a few months earlier and had begun to incorporate some of your ideas and strategies. Although that was helpful and provided a good starting point, the class really helped us take our work together on our sex life to the next level. As a result, we're in a significantly better place as a couple.

Past Participant

This course was excellent and so so helpful. It honestly was just what we needed. The modules were great and the homework was helpful as well and really got us thinking through things. It also enabled us to have much healthier conversations around sex than we have had in the past. Your insights and tools have been so beneficial.

Past Participant